New Album: The Choice Is Yours

For so long I wondered why I had not yet achieved success from my music, until I realized that I had no idea what success actually even meant. I spent two years traveling a foreign land in search of understanding, hoping that my recorded music would gain industry attention and allow me to break free from the norms of society. No such savior came.. Realizing that I must define success for myself, I swore an oath. I chose to never again let the outside world govern my internal condition. I am the guardian and protector of my inner peace, no one has the right to drain my happiness and energy. 

It was at this time that I became conscious of my spiritual awakening. Turning in towards introspection, I was in seek of answers deep within the pure presence of being. Working aimlessly in a job overrun by bureaucracy never made any sense to me and I was adamant that I had entered this human experience for a far more inspiring purpose. Feeling fed up and frustrated... I turned to the spiritual medicine of songwriting. Songwriting has become a tool which allows me to express my feelings and emotions accurately with passion. I began crafting some songs far more authentic to anything I had written before and I believe this was a direct result of the spiritual awakening I was experiencing. After some serious dramas of displacement, depression and anxiety, I was beginning to feel my journey here on Earth was coming to end, still I desperately held onto the new songs I was working on. My intuition continuously reminded me that I had a duty to share them with the world. I found inspiration in the desire to inspire others. I remain righteous by aspiring to aid people in awakening to their true authenticity. 

After arriving back in Australia with no means to financially support myself, I needed to lead a double life again.. I wasn't going to last much longer as a frustrated, hungry and run down musician. So I moved up to Darwin to complete my Teacher training and continued to work on crafting this ever so growing collection of new songwriting material. I was then offered a Teaching position in Alice Springs.. Ironically, I found myself back where I started before heading off to North America.. But this time I was older, wiser and more patient in trusting the universal process. I had embraced a Vegan life style and was entering my healthiest paradigm to date. I began to thrive in my new profession as a Teacher and ambition was effectively settling back in to my life.  

After many countless hours of late night lyric writing, guitar noodling, bass plucking and vocal exertion, I was satisfied with the composition of my New Album. I then decided to name the project 'The Choice Is Yours' to reflect ideas of introspection, inspiration and intuition. During the late stages of 2017, recording for the album was completed. The authentic addition of Joey Klarenbeek's drumming has attributed a refreshing roots rock sound. Splendor's message is all about embracing your magnificent qualities and expressing yourself through them. 'The Choice Is Yours' is an album demonstrating unique musicianship effectively executed by two sensitive yet dedicated musical artists. 

After the album tracking, recording engineer Phillip Sawyers suggested that an accomplished Mixing Engineer was required. I then reached out to a select few names credited on well produced records and received a response from Cole Nystrom at CEN Engineering. Cole showed passion and enthusiasm towards the project as he humbly agreed to join the production team. Working from his studio in Los Angeles, in just a few short weeks 'The Choice Is Yours' was mixed and effectively brought to life. Cole Nystrom then recommended we pass the mixes over to Alex DeYoung for mastering. After a mammoth effort from everyone involved, The Choice Is Yours is now produced and ready for release. 

We will be aiming for an official industry release in October/November, 2018.

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